Half-open, half-closed!

By: DantianHealth

I have been following closely all of the announcements, declarations, interpretations, and advice regarding my ability to remain open during Stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne.

The summary of the advice that has been received is that as an AHPRA health practitioner, I am permitted to remain open. However, this comes with certain restrictions as the Victorian government seeks to minimise all travel.

The directions received for acupuncturists (and all AHPRA health professionals)is that we are able to provide essential face to face services where care is:

  • to prevent a significant deterioration in functional independence which would result in an escalation of care needs (such as increased frequency in treatment, significant increase in pain, specialist input, or substantial increase in recovery time as a result of delayed care)
  • for assessment and diagnostic purposes for those people whose care has been delayed during stage 4 restrictions, and where further delay likely to result in deterioration (e.g. diagnostic imaging and assessment for prescription of assistive technology)
  • to provide essential pre-operative or post-operative elective surgery care
  • Routine care treatments are not permitted until Melbourne reaches Step 3 of the roadmap, currently scheduled for 19th October

So what does that mean?

Firstly these are generic guidelines. Everyone is different and has a unique history and health experience (one of the great things about Chinese Medicine it takes this into account within your diagnosis). Therefore it is up to a trained practitioner to determine the need for treatment based on their knowledge and skills.

For example, if you have a lower back injury, without treatment you may experience pain, your condition may deteriorate to having disc issues, risk of falls, disruption to your ability carry out your daily activities and your condition may escalate to necessitating specialist care.

Alternatively for someone receive acupuncture in conjunction with their fertility treatments, this care may be considered a specialised part of their care plan.

Deterioration in mental / emotional health can also considered a reason for treatment due to the increase in emotional pain and suffering. In our current circumstances this may be due to the current restrictions ie a result of isolation, complete alteration in life and livelihoods or suffering due to a chronic health or pain condition.

Put simply, if your health is likely to suffer a significant negative decline as a result of not having treatment, then I am able to provide you with treatment. The determination of this is firstly with you, and secondly by myself as your practitioner.

I am continuing to work through the additional measures necessary to be present for you in the clinic. My clinic is operating under the the guidelines including having a COVID safe plan and the use of masks etc.

I will be offering limited in-person appointments only after direct discussion and determination of the level of need for treatment.

If you feel the need for treatment then I ask you to complete this pre-assessment form. Once you have sent this form through you can then request a booking online or by contacting me directly.

I have opened telehealth consultations for all existing clients requiring herbal treatments.

Of course, if you have any questions or require any other support, then please reach out.

© 2020 Please note this article is copyright protected

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Dantian Health is an Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine clinic supporting you to relieve pain, reclaim health and restore vitality.

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